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RaspConfiguration-update-UBL-2.1.adoc 2.48 KiB
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== RaspConfiguration.xml (OIOUBL 2.1)
From 15.05.2022 OIOUBL 2.1 will be an option in Danish Nemhandel, allowing new XML classes..... *SKRIV MERE HER*) - see public notification:

It is then possible to base an OIOUBL document on the UBL 2.1 standard. This requires an update to the RaspConfiguration.xml file.

The update is required for all receivers (because you don't know what the sending party might send you), and it is required for sendes when they update their document generation to UBL 2.1 syntax.

=== Changes

==== Path to schema XSD
UBL schema 2.1 is backwards compatible with UBL 2.0, so it is highly recommended that XSD references are updated to the UBL 2.1 files.

For each <DocumentTypeConfig> having a <SchemaPath> with a `UBL_v2.0` value, it could be updated to a path holding the UBL 2.1 files - also changing the file name version to 2.1.

.Search and replace
|Search for | Replace with



==== XPath version matcher
Each <DocumentTypeConfig> for OIOUBL documents should be able to match OIOUBL version 2.01, 2.02 and 2.1.

For each <DocumentTypeConfig> having a <XPathExpectedResult> starting with a `OIOUBL` value, it could be updated to a xpath matching all 3 options.

.Search and replace
|Search for | Replace with


==== Example

.DocumentTypeConfig (updated example)
[source, xml]

=== Resources
The XSD files for UBL 2.1 can be downloaded from