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RaspConfiguration.Test.xml 287 KiB
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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<RaspConfiguration xmlns:xsi="" xmlns="">

    <ConfigurationSection xsi:type="StartupConfig">
                    Next startup task has sense only if CRL revocation is configured in configuration section RevocationLookupFactoryConfig (non-OCSP).
                    But even if it is OCSP lookup, it will not download any CRL lists, just write warning message into logs.
                    To provide customers example of configuration, this block is not commented.
                    <!-- CRL URL of usual OCES certificates, which were used before OIORASP 1.3.0 -->
                    <!-- CRL URL of OCES2 certificates from DanID, provided for testing -->
                    <!-- CRL URL of OCES2 certificates from DanID, provided for testing -->

    <ConfigurationSection xsi:type="DocumentTypeCollectionConfig">
                <FriendlyName>Faktura v0.7</FriendlyName>
                        <XPath>/root:Invoice/com:BuyerParty/com:PartyName[count(../../com:BuyerParty)=1 or
                            translate(../com:Address/com:ID, 'FAKTUREING', 'faktureing') ='faktura' or
                            translate(../com:Address/com:ID, 'FAKTUREING', 'faktureing') ='fakturering']/com:Name
                                    <!-- For backward compatibility when sending to RASP Java 2.0.x endpoints, 6 old mappings are essential to keep in relation to OIOUBL -->
                    <XPath>string('OIOXML elektronisk handel')</XPath>
                <FriendlyName>Kreditnota v0.7</FriendlyName>
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