include::doc/_common-settings.adoc[] == OIOSI RASP Library for .NET [WARNING] A security issue has been pointed out due to old versions of the Log4net component. This issue requires a HotFix presented in *2.1.1 (Log4net Hotfix)*. The next stable version: *3.0.0* will have this issue addressed. [options="header"] |=== | Version | Branch | Release status | Description | *3.0.0 (Current)* | *master* | *released* | RASP version 3.0.0 4+| xref:doc/OIORASP_Library_DotNet-ReleaseNotes.adoc#what_is_changed[View section "What is changed" for earlier releases] |=== Nemhandel OIORASP .NET v{versionNumber} include::doc/OIORASP_Library_DotNet-ReleaseNotes.adoc[] include::doc/OIORASP_Library_DotNet-InstallationGuide.adoc[] // include::doc/OIORASP_Library_DotNet-ReleaseNotes-CacheOverview.adoc[] include::doc/OIORASP_Library_DotNet-Tutorials.adoc[]